Sunday, June 22, 2014

Circumcision Is A Horrible Choice For A Newborn Baby

Today, I am writing about something of which I have strong feelings about. This blog entry is one that is long overdue and that I should had done a while ago. I am talking about the extreme harm Circumcision does to a Newborn Baby.

When my older son was about 14 years old, he started to have small pain in his penis. I took him to his regular doctor and her first recommendation was to get him circumcised. The first thing I did was to go on Youtube and on the Internet to research what kind of surgery it was, and how it was done. When I read and saw pictures and videos, I felt dizzy and like throwing up. How can anyone do this to his/her own child?... How can a male boy take this type of pain?!!!

I didn't took my son back to the doctor. I chose to let it be. I told my son that this type of surgery will hurt him too much. The small pain/discomfort that he had was from the foreskin when he used to get an erection and he was masturbating. Naturally, with time, the foreskin outgrew and he stop having the small pain he used to have on his penis.

I also learned about and intactivists. I was very happy to know that there is a large group of people who are very dedicated to protecting all male Newborns from this type of surgery. It is common sense people, this is something that is so horrible, that there is no way in hell that if a Newborn Baby could talk, he would agree to this kind of surgery.

Any parent can go on the Internet and read and see how unnecessary this surgery is. The mental trauma, the possibilities of Death by this surgery, the possibility of a  botched circumcision, is not worth the risk. Many websites and writers will write what is convenient to their side of the story, and say that the good outcome out rule the pain of the baby. WRONG!. These writers only write and support their own personal views not the facts. In many internet articles where writers are pro-circumcision, they won't even allow comments, because they know they are misleading the public and they only want to put their views out there.

The physical damage done to a penis, the mental damage done to a Newborn with the circumcision surgery, is one that will have a very negative forever lasting effect in the child's life. Think about it before you make that choice for your newborn. It is your child's body, your child needs to decide when he is older enough to understand what that surgery is all about.

The foreskin is like the eyelid to the eye, think about it. It is a normal part of the body that has a very important function to keep the head penis lubricated, to keep the penis more sensitive (with more feelings), to allow a better sexual experience, to prevent the poop from going into the urine canal, and many more things that any parent can read and find out in the following websites or all over the internet like:

With today's wealth of free information on the Internet, not knowing or being Ignorant is a choice.
I had done work with and when I was reading about it, to translate in Spanish, I would often ask if this was real, if these type of things were done to the baby while in the surgery, I was shocked out of my mind, and could not process and believe it that this horrible acts are done in what is the most sensitive part of a Newborn baby. I read and saw videos on this surgery that it got to a point where I would be having nightmares and where I can not see one more video of a baby being circumcised because it makes me cry and I get depressed. I try not to see those videos anymore. Just imagine, how a baby is feeling when this is done to his body.

If you are a parent to be, and planning to get your Newborn circumcised, just remember one thing, you are cutting something off that will never grow back. And how are you going to answer to your child when he grows and ask you why did you do it, can you live with that?...There are companies with foreskin restoration products, still it does not work for many men. The foreskin does not grow back that easy.

Circumcision is rape, it is sexual mutilation.

I have two intact teenagers sons who  are both happy being intact. They understand the risks and pains of that surgery. I asked my smaller son if he wanted to be circumcised when he was 11 and his answer looking at me straight in the eyes "No Way !" . I only asked him to see his response.

So common sense, if a child who is 11 years old that gets to know about circumcision says No Way, what makes any parent think that a non-talking Newborn baby will say "Yes"?! ...

For those who say that UTI are more probable with foreskin and that is harder to clean, WRONG!
In my case, my two intact sons NEVER had a UTI or any issues where I had to take them to the ER for a foreskin issue. All you need to do is soap and water to clean up the penis gently. Many parents do not retract the foreskin because there is no need to retract, like my smaller son who had a foreskin covering all of the head of his penis, there was no need to retract the foreskin, I just let it be, and he never had an issue.

If you do have a babysitter taking care of your Newborn, all you have to ask her is to change the diaper frequently and clean and wipe every time she changes the diaper, that's it, very simple.

I grew up in the Dominican Republic. Parents do not circumcise their babies, most Dominican Men have foreskin. My cousin who is a doctor in the DR was going to have the circumcision done, just because he thought it was a better choice as an adult. When I heard him I laughed so much. I told him everything I knew and refer him to the Internet and he quickly changed his mind to not getting that surgery done.

Many Spanish cultures don't do circumcision to their babies. In America, sometimes the doctors try to mislead the parents by saying how much better and healthier the circumcision is, just because these are doctors who are pro-circumcision and the doctors and hospitals make more money when they do this surgery, it is not because it is the best choice for your Newborn baby.

When a circumcised man says that circumcision had desensitized his penis, that he feels less, that it is difficult for him to reach an orgasm, I can relate to that, because when I was a young girl, I cut my leg while I was playing and it took a long while for that cut to heal. When it did finally heal, the new skin that covered the cut, had less sensitivity. For some reason the new skin feel less than my regular skin, I touch it but I don't feel my finger completely on it. That part on my skin never regained sensitivity.

Women who say that foreskin is gross, don't know how to handle a penis and are not Good in Bed,  yeah, yeah, I said it ! ...they are not good sexual partners. I say that because if you love a man, you are supposed to love everything about him. It is not about just your female pleasure and what you like, it is about loving, accepting and feeling good. If a woman really like his sexual partner, the foreskin is just more pleasure to play with, there is so much love, fun, and things to do when a man has foreskin.

I had also read misleading reports about how circumcision prevents HIV, this is the most outrageous misleading information anyone can tell you. STD's and HIV are passed on with sexual contact, skin to skin. There is no way in reality that circumcision prevents contracting HIV. I really think that some people and/or doctors want more people to get sick so they stay in business and make more profits.

To finalize this entry, I only hope that you as a reader can understand the extreme, horrible choice that circumcision is for you Newborn baby if you are going to have one. In the hopes that as a parent you love and protect that new angel you have in your life, your Newborn.

With Love and Care, always hoping for the best,


Anonymous said...

You are brainwashed by intactivists. They don't understand good public health policy. They just love foreskin for some weird reason even though it makes the dick harder to keep clean. Stop being retarded

AuraIam said...

Public Health ?! so if they said cut your eyelids you will?!
Soap and water is enough to keep it clean.